TPRO | October 2023 Update

Conferences Season, 1000 TPRO Holders, Zealy Campaign Close

What a month!

Another month is behind us, let's jump in for the most important activities from the last month!

Conferences Season ๐Ÿค 

In the middle of October, we started our journey to multiple conferences to spread the word about and TPRO Token - using our crypto motorcycles as attention grabbers and icebreakers!

TPRO motorcycles at Nearcon 2023

So far, we have managed to be at the conferences and meetups, amongst other private meetings:

  • Plan B Forum

  • EBC Barcelona

  • ETHLisbon

  • Web3 Breakfast

  • Ethereum Block Summit

  • Nearcon

Weโ€™ve met many great people. This is only a warm-up since most of them will happen in November ๐Ÿ”ฅ Founders with AFI Network Community

If you want to hear more about our idea behind the trip, here is a recording of our x space where we answered all of the questions related to that:

1000 $TPRO Holders ๐ŸŽ‰ 

With our recent marketing efforts, weโ€™ve reached another milestone: 1,000 $TPRO Holders!

For the last four months, we have been working hard to build a high-quality community around our token with three airdrops along the way and 3 Zealy campaigns.

The last Zealy Campaign was the biggest one, and we did our best (ex., by additional polls) to ensure we would incentivize only high-quality participants who would stay with us for longer.

Right after Zealy Airdrop, we had 971 holders only on Polygon Network (+553 Holders on Ethereum = 1524 Holders)

After three days of Zealy Airdrops, when everyone who wanted to cashout did it, we now have 509 $TPRO Holders on Polygon + 553 $TPRO Holders on Ethereum = 1062 $TPRO Holders overall ๐ŸŽ‰ 

This means we more than doubled the number of holders during this time.

If you were part of the Zealy Campaign, here you can find transactions with airdrops:

October Social Media Stats ๐Ÿ‘€ 

Another impact of our marketing activities in October is visible in our social media stats. TLDR: we push the boundaries again on all channels and all metrics. Below, you can see some of the charts.

Another Stellar Review ๐Ÿš€ 

Last month, we received another 5-star review for our Token Engineering Services ๐Ÿ‘ We have more of them on the line ๐Ÿ‘€ 

Open Decentralization Models for Web3 Gaming

If you are interested in Web3 in gaming, you can watch my lecture about that:

Whatโ€™s next?

We are preparing a lot of news for TPRO Holders related to our path to complete decentralization, so keep your eyes open and hands diamond ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ’Ž 

Once again, thank you for your unwavering support. Let's continue to shape the future of blockchain together.

Best Regards,

Lukasz Szymanski & team