TPRO | August 2023 Update

Value distributions, Holiday gains, and motorcycles?

What a month!

Another month behind is, let's jump in for the most important activities from the last month!

$TPRO August Airdrop

As you know, we are all about creating value for the space and sharing it with our community. That’s why August was another month when we shared the value through Airdrop ( 👀 till this day, we already shared $65k worth of value). If you are $TPRO staker, make sure to double-check if you won some additional tokens in our contest

Summer Holidays? Not in our case

During the summer, we didn’t stop with our community activities. One was the Summer Campaign with Ferrum Network and other crypto projects.

Besides the summer campaign, we were also doing our normal organic work, so let me share some cool stats:

In August, we had +89% mentions compared to July

Similar situation with Interactions, +88% compared to July

Not bad for a holiday month, right?

End of Zealy contest and rewards distribution

All Zealy warriors, check your wallets as you were rewarded 💪 

Thanks to all the participants, we were stunned by the engagement so for sure monitor our social media as we will run some new contests in future 🚀 

New Client highlight 🎉 

We are excited to share that we started to work on an ambitious project from the e-commerce industry - We all know that full adoption of web3 in e-commerce is just a matter of time, the question is who will catch the wave 👀 Make sure to follow us, as we will reveal more about the project in the upcoming weeks!

Tokenomics Audits Showdown

We are playing around with different formats with our tokenomics audit platform to make sure that the complex mechanisms behind it will be communicated in the best possible way; let us know what you think about this approach 👇️ 

We also discussed this on Youtube:

Interview with

Staying within the Youtube topic, we did an interview with about, TPRO, and the Crypto market in general - check this out!

Our journey

A long time ago we told you about #web3journey of Lukasz B. and now as he promised there is a commemorative NFT collection for all the people he met at his journey and not only

The ride is not over

If you follow our private accounts, you can see we started to share more content related to motorcycles…

If you know us already, you also know that there is some well-planned purpose behind it…

So make sure to follow our Instagram profiles 👇️ 

Cause this is the place where we first reveal more about upcoming events related to $TPRO,, crypto, and… motorcycles 🙂 

Stay Tuned!

I encourage you to share the excitement! If you find these updates as exciting as we do, please share this newsletter with your friends and let them be part of this vibrant community. And remember, our journey continues daily on our social media and communication channels. If you haven't already, join us on Twitter, Telegram, and Discord to stay up-to-date with all our latest news and developments.

Once again, thank you for your unwavering support. Let's continue to shape the future of blockchain together.

Best Regards,

Lukasz Szymanski & team